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Freshman Leaders in Christ (FLiC) is a Freshman Leadership Organization at Texas A&M University in College Station. FLiC is centered around freshmen growing in their relationship with Jesus and developing leadership skills that prepare them to be leaders in the church. Freshmen are divided into six committees, each of which focuses on a different area of service. Sophomore and junior staffers guide freshmen in growth, lead committees, and serve behind the scenes. Each freshman is paired with an older student known as a brother or sister in Christ (BiC or SiC). BiCs and SiCs develop friendships with their freshman and mentor them throughout their first year at Texas A&M.

About: Who We Are

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; Once you had not received Mercy, but now you have received mercy.”

1 Peter 2:9-10 ESV

Vision Passage

Woman with Bible
About: Quote


At the core of FLiC are the freshmen who make up the bulk of our membership. We accept 72 freshmen each year who, in addition to growing in their personal relationship with Jesus, organize FLiC's many service projects and engage in outreach activities on and around the Texas A&M campus.

Freshmen are organized into six committees which are the basic social and organizational units of FLiC. Committee members spend time together during retreats, service projects, meetings, and hangouts, which provide a key source of community. In addition, each committee oversees a particular aspect of FLiC's service by planning and directing projects within its purview.

About: About Us
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